Upgrading germination

Upgrading of seedlots is often desired or even necessary to upgrade the seed quality by removing either specific contaminants or by precise grading. We have refined various techniques and procedures to take out weak or dead seeds to improve the quality of your seedlot: wind, calibration, Liquid Density Grading.

In the near future this will be expanded with most modern technologies.



In a seedlot, the individual seeds are able to germinate differently from the majority. Therefore these seeds will show heterogeneity, with extra costs in modern horticultural practices as a result. From oldest times farmers try to take out these deviant seeds by calibrating seedlots.  Atlas and Agathos can carry out these actions for you.

Some of the most innovative selecting techniques include X-ray sorting, Fluid Density Grading or Chlorophyll Selection. After the recent Management Buyout, we are considering to invest in these technologies. If you like to team up with us, please let us know.